♦ October 08 - Feastday of Saint Pelagia of Antioch ♦


Feastday of
🔸Saint Pelagia of Antioch🔸

Saint Pelagia lived in Antioch in the mid-3rd century. She came from a wealthy family, was beautiful, and lived a sinful, promiscuous life. However, God's grace led to her conversion.

During a council in Antioch, the holy Bishop Nonnus, while preaching, saw Pelagia pass by in a lavish display. Unlike the other bishops who turned away, Nonnus sighed and remarked how much effort Pelagia put into pleasing men, while many neglect their souls to please God. This stirred his soul to pray fervently for her salvation.

That night, Nonnus had a dream of a dirty dove that became pure after being washed. The next day, Pelagia heard his sermon about salvation, was deeply moved, and wept for her sins. She wrote to the bishop, asking for forgiveness and to confess her sins. Despite initial hesitation, Nonnus saw her sincere repentance. She confessed publicly, expressing deep remorse for her past life, and was baptized. She gave away her wealth to the poor and began a life of devotion.

Pelagia eventually left Antioch, disguised herself in men's clothing, and lived as a hermit on the Mount of Olives. She engaged in extreme asceticism for three years. After her death, it was revealed that she had been a woman when her body was prepared for burial. Her life of repentance and transformation became an inspiration to many, and she is commemorated on October 8th.

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